You know when you leave your body? When your spirit and energy break free of all boundaries and merge with the energy of the universe and you become more than just a person? Maybe you unleash a scream of pure exuberance. Maybe you laugh. If you're me, you skip a breath and start to shake and start to cry. These are what I'd call paroxysms of joy.
"Paroxysms" might not be the first word that comes to mind, but it's the only one I can think of that's powerful enough, used rarely enough, to describe something so special. So transcendent. The triggers are different for everyone, but I want to tell you this: Seek these moments out. Pursue something that can give you such joy. Usually we're people; sometimes, if we're lucky, we become "more than."
When I heard at my Zumba training about a year ago that there would be a big instructor conference in LA in 2013, I immediately started making plans and saving up. I registered for my training sessions and "learning capsules" and "flavors"--more on these in a minute--in October, worked myself into an inconveniently timed overuse injury two weeks ago, and packed just the night before I was to leave for the three-day conference.
To be honest, there's not a whole lot to say about the conference that would interest most of you. I bought a year's supply of Zumba clothes, including leggings and shorts that I feel confident enough to wear for the first time in my life. I got up close and personal with Lil Jon and Pitbull in a private Zumba instructor "Fitness-Concert." I met dozens of enthusiastic, effervescent people from all over the world, including a sports massage therapist from Brazil (next on my to-do list: get a sports massage).
The LA Convention Center. |
Most importantly--and this is the reason I went in the first place--I learned. A
lot. Before the conference, I could choreograph routines based on four international rhythms. Now I can do thirteen. Even though my muscle injury prevented me from going full-out in every session, I soaked up tips and techniques and swagger from some of the best instructors in the world and now I feel like I can truly make each of my classes exceptional.
It's really easy to tell when someone's a Zumba instructor.
There was a high concentration of our species wandering the streets of LA for these few days. |
Once my legs heal up, I'll be choreographing nonstop--in the shower, in the car, while vacuuming--all the while remembering those incredible paroxysms of joy that overtook me at least four times a day all weekend long.
Even the bright-and-early speech from the CEO was preceded by a live DJ and light show. |
For me, the magic of Zumba is how it lets us tap into the emotional power of music and translate it into movement accessible to everyone. We can all experience the vivid flavors of international rhythms without years of training. More importantly, we realize that health, joy, effervescence, passion, and love are all within our grasp. And that transcendent hour (or song, or moment) can strip away the shadows and awaken in us the hope or drive lying dormant just beneath the surface.
It was during my final session, "African Workout: Enter the Jungle," that I fully lost myself in the experience. I spread my arms up to the sky amidst a forest of other glistening arms belonging to people united by a common pursuit, tears streaming down my face, and felt grateful to be alive.
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